Feb 10, 2021

NPinvestor.com A/S: Publication of annual report 2020

NPinvestor.com A/S: Publication of annual report 2020


Company announcement 45/2021

10 February 2021


(all amounts in DKK)


The financial result in this announcement relates to NPinvestor.com A/S, which constitutes all NPinvestor.com A/S group activities. The full annual report 2020 is available on 10 February 2021 at the following link and is also attached to this company announcement: investor.spenn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/NPinvestorcom_AS_AARSRAPPORT_2020.pdf


The company’s annual report 2020 has been approved by the board today.


Development in financial conditions for the 2020 annual report

Profit for the group before tax for 2020 was DKK -6,134 thousand. against DKK -8,775 thousand in 2019. The group’s balance sheet as of 31 December 2020 shows a balance sheet total of DKK 1,542 thousand and an equity of DKK 4.94 thousand. The company’s capital includes per 31 December 2020 a total of 10,061,034 units. shares at a nominal value of DKK 0.10 each.


The Group had announced that there would be a significant improvement in the result compared to 2019, cf. company announcement no. 44 in connection with the publication of the interim report for 2020. In 2020, the Group realized a deficit of DKK 6,134 thousand against 8,775 thousand in 2019.



2020 2019 2018   2017 2016
(DKK 1000)
Net interest and fee income -24 141 -18 0 0
Other operating income 531 529 1.016 865 1.642
Costs for staff and administration -6.298 -9.113 -7.208 -3.092 -2.856
Depreciation and write-downs -343 -300 -317 -300 -150
Result before taxes -6.134 -8.775 -6.527   -2.527 -1.364
Taxes 0 0 0 0 0
Result -6.134 -8.775 -6.527   -2.527 -1.364
Number of employees 3 4 5 3 4
Equity 494 6.629 10.843 84 3.310
Total assets 1.543 7.696 11.616 1.378 3.760
Core capital base 344 6.179 10.093
Minimum capital requirement 938 938 938




2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Key figures
Profit Margin -1.209,86 -1.309,70 -654,01 -292,14 -83,07
Liquidity ratio 127,19 668,04 1.389,39 25,35 535,56
Solidity ratio 32,08 86,89 93,35 6,10 88,03
Return on equity before tax -172,21 -100,45 -119,47 -148,91 -77,74
Return on equity after tax -172,21 -100,45 -119,47 -148,91 -77,74
Intrinsic value per share 0,05 0,66 1,72 0,02 0,63
Profit before tax per share -0,61 -0,87 -1,04 -0,48 -0,26
Result after tax per share -0,61 -0,87 -1,04 -0,48 -0,26
Intrinsic value per share average 0,05 0,81 1,74 0,02 0,83
Result before tax per share average -0,61 -1,07 -1,05 -0,48 -0,34
Result after tax per share average -0,61 -1,07 -1,05 -0,48 -0,34
Average number of shares 10.061 8.213 6.233 5.249 3.978
Number of shares (year-end) 10.061 10.061 6.288 5.249 5.249


Main activity

The group’s main activity in 2020 consisted primarily of the existing business within financial media, content and data distribution, as well as the development of a new business area and a preparation of a commercial launch of an online brokerage within trading and investment with cryptocurrencies.


Uncertainty in recognition and measurement

There are no significant uncertainties in recognition or measurement.


Unusual circumstances

The company is under construction and therefore operations are not yet fully normalised.


Development in economic conditions and activities

The group’s income statement for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 shows a result of DKK -6,134 thousand, and the group’s balance sheet as of 31 December 2020 shows a balance sheet total of DKK 1,542 thousand and an equity of DKK 4.94 thousand. The company’s capital includes per 31 December 2020 a total of 10,061,034 shares at a nominal value of DKK 0.10 each.


The Group had announced that there would be a significant improvement in the result compared to 2019, cf. company announcement no. 44 in connection with the publication of the interim report for 2020. In 2020, the Group realized a deficit of DKK 6,134 thousand against 8,775 thousand in 2019.


In 2020, the group continued to work on general cost adjustments and the establishment of business activities within brokerage and trading, where the focus was directed towards preparation and launch of a new business area with activities and investment in the development of new trading opportunities within the online discount broker business for trading and investment with cryptocurrency.


In 2020, the company was approved for registration with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to offer virtual currencies in accordance with Section 48, subsection of the Money Laundering Act. 1.

The background for the group deciding to prioritize efforts towards seeking business opportunities within cryptocurrency, also known as digital assets such as e.g. Bitcoin and Ethereum were among others that the trading of cryptocurrencies and the number of investors who trade cryptocurrencies have increased sharply globally in recent years, with clear trends and growing expectations of further increases going forward.


Based on research, the company assesses that the market for trading cryptocurrencies is generally characterized by high trading costs and relatively complicated products, which is estimated to open new business opportunities for discount brokers in a global niche and segment of active and experienced crypto traders and investors. Price comparisons between CPH Crypto and a number of leading crypto exchanges show that CPH Crypto’s trading costs are lower and in some cases significantly lower. However, the high price level and conditions of cryptocurrency trading in the market in general make it more difficult for traders to achieve a positive return or practice the desired or optimal investment strategy and trading pattern without having to worry about trading costs.


The company launched two price models in 2020, where one product consists of a fixed fee that gives access to unlimited trading with the platform’s cryptocurrencies and the other product consists of an equally simple model for self-trading with a trading cost of 0.04% of the volume that is traded.

The business model is based on a competitive pricing policy when trading cryptocurrencies in the spot market (that it is “real” cryptocurrencies that are traded and not derivatives). And also on the combination of some important parameters, such as an insurance of customers’ deposit of cryptocurrency and that similar trading facilities are made available to customers that they know from regulated instruments, but who want better trading conditions than typically found at traditional crypto-exchanges, and that the company’s Scandinavian starting point is solid and characterized by transparency, security and the world’s lowest corruption rate.


In 2020, the company has, in connection with the planning and preparations to open for live trading with cryptocurrency, established new collaborations with suppliers and partners specializing in e.g. the crypto industry, payment and service providers, system and hosting partners, trading platforms to plan and execute trades, as well as liquidity providers to set prices and execute trades in the market.


The group’s 100 per cent owned subsidiary CPH Crypto A/S offers the new cryptocurrency business activities. Preparations, partnerships, rollout of products and commercialization of the new business have been decisive for the group’s prioritization of activities and progress methods in 2020.


With a preliminary version of the trading platform, CPH Crypto had live customers in Q3 of 2020. During Q4, an improved version was developed to open a wider market. A significant part of the cryptocurrency business area’s IT and system development are done internally in the Group, including infrastructure and integration of all systems and tools, account system, customer creation and transaction processes, which works satisfactorily, and continuous optimization and new development are ongoing.


Other parts of the capacity base have been supplied by third-party suppliers. A key external delivery for the brokerage is the cryptocurrency trading platform itself, which is delivered as a white label solution including price feed and execution of orders in the market. During the process of implementing the trading platform from start to test stage, troubleshooting and corrections to open for live trading, there have been unforeseen delays in relation to what was agreed with the supplier, including a longer process than expected with the rollout of the beta version. The company chose to onboard fewer customers and users to continuously test the trading platform. This resulted in new and necessary corrections and upgrades, in addition to the fact that it is deemed necessary to make improvements to the trading platform’s user interface and maintenance processes. Delays from the supplier to deliver the necessary quality and level of the web trader, as well as the subsequent rollout of the live mobile trading platform for the iPhone’s iOS app and Google’s Android app at year-end, have temporarily resulted in a shorter commercial period than expected for the company to market and build its cryptocurrency business. As a result, there has been limited time to establish a position for CPH Crypto as a new provider, create awareness and interest from the market, and thereby attract more customers. The company estimates that there is still a large market and earnings potential for a discount cryptocurrency broker, taking into account the special characteristics and unique advantages that CPH Crypto offers, but this also requires investment in the continued development of targeted and effective marketing activities, qualification of suppliers and market-adapted product development.


In Q4 of 2020, the company launched PR and promotion activities, which were later followed by several smaller digital test campaigns on selected crypto ad-networks and marketing activities with the aim of getting potential customers to register, deposit funds and start trading. This also included the first targeted marketing efforts on various social media channels and tests in other languages ​​and markets. Based on this kind of activity, interest and onboarding of new customers can be accomplished, but the company has not yet had the necessary time to develop methods where customers are converted from passive to active customers, which can also ensure increased turnover and earnings.


In the same period, the company decided to launch a new version of the website www.cphcrypto.com with a new look and feel, in-depth information and especially new and user-friendly how-to-guides, in addition to optimization of customer registration, customer account and automation of customer communication. The website will be in English to make it more accessible to an international target audience, and the plan is to make it available in other languages as soon as possible to attract customers from Scandinavia and selected markets. The company has also had meetings with potential business partners from larger markets to establish commercial agreements, which have greater impact when launched in local markets.


As a result of the limited opportunity to launch commercial initiatives for the cryptocurrency business earlier in the process and shorter time to attract new customers and launch marketing activities, the preliminary effects and value of the new products and trading platforms have not been sufficiently tested and the preliminary commercial measures not yet implemented. The company’s ongoing operation and development presupposes, among other things, providing capital for operations and growth, establishing strategic partnerships and distribution opportunities, or a combination thereof.


The company’s capital has been reduced by more than 50 per cent by the end of 2020. The company’s financial situation is continuously disclosed in publications and reports, including the interim report for 2020, cf. company announcement no. 44. As a result, the management of the group has intensified efforts and prioritized to find a solution as stated in company announcement no. 37, including searching for various financial and strategic options, including entering into a dialogue with potential parties about full or partial divestment of assets and companies. If the group does not find a solution in the short term that ensures the necessary working capital, e.g. in the case of external capital injection or sale of assets to ensure continued operation and development as an “ongoing concern”, there is a risk of the group closing down in whole or in part. The management is negotiating with an external party on a concrete agreement which will hopefully secure the financial situation as well as opening new strategic business opportunities.

The group’s existing strategy does not include any more use or need for regulation or its own stockbroker licenses. It is therefore important for the group to continue to achieve further cost reductions in the fund brokerage area. The company has, among other things, cf. company announcements in 2020, stated that no fund brokerage activities are carried out in the subsidiary NPinvestor Fondsmæglerselskab A/S and the company is expected to be liquidated during 2021, which will also reduce costs for the group’s parent company in connection with, among other things reports to authorities and unnecessary charges.


Events after status day

From the balance sheet date until today, no circumstances have arisen which would alter the assessment of the annual report.


Expected development and other statements about the future

With the launch of the new crypto broker CPH Crypto, the company expects to create a stronger commercial basis and an international growth potential with better conditions for developing the business and increasing earnings.


The prerequisites for the group to achieve its long-term goals of creating growth and development, that is the commercial parameters are strengthened – including with new and improved products, more investment opportunities and trading facilities adapted to market conditions and trends, combined with the group’s operational processes continuing to be optimized and resources prioritized effectively, whereby the business basis is expected to be more competitive. The basis for the continued operation, development and launch of commercial activities, is dependent on strengthened financial basis for the group.


Branches abroad

The group does not have branches abroad.


Knowledge resources and salary policy

The group’s success is, among other things, based on the employees’ knowledge resources in investment and trading products, finance, digitization, partnerships, commercial development, and marketing.


The group’s business model demands employees with strong knowledge, skills and experience. The group’s objective in connection with recruitment is therefore to attract and retain skilled employees with expertise in relevant professional areas, including the financial sector and other relevant sectors. This is reflected in the group’s salary policy, which can be requested by contacting the group.


The group and the company will always have a high level of knowledge resources in the area. Furthermore, employees and management orientate themselves professionally via the necessary channels and with collaboration partners, etc. to constantly maintain a high level of knowledge. There is ongoing work to maintain and upgrade the employees’ knowledge resources.


The Board of Directors and the Executive Board’s direct and indirect shareholdings in the Company as of 31 December 2020: Jan F. Andersen, CEO director, 1,067,500 shares.


Financial calendar

Publication of annual report 2020: 10 February 2021

Publication of interim report 2021: 4 August 2021

The company’s Articles of Association can be found on the company’s website https://npinvestor.com/vedtaegter




Jan F. Andersen, CEO director, 8830 0008, [email protected]


About NPinvestor.com A/S

NPinvestor A/S is a Danish fintech company with activities within the trading and investment market as well as financial media. NPinvestor owns 100 per cent of CPH Crypto A/S, offering trading and investment in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. NPinvestor owns 100 per cent og NPinvestor.dk (run by subsidiary Netposten A/S), which is an investment portal for investors on the Danish market.

NPinvestor.com A/S is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark. Symbol: NPINV

More information

NPinvestor.com A/S: Adm. director Jan F. Andersen, tel.: 8830 0008, e-mail: [email protected]

Certified Advisor: Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB, tel. + 46 40 200 250, e-mail: [email protected]








NPinvestor.com A/S: Offentliggørelse af årsrapport 2020


Selskabsmeddelelse 45/2021

  1. februar 2021

(alle beløb i DKK)

Det finansielle resultat i denne meddelelse relaterer til NPinvestor.com A/S som udgør alle NPinvestor.com A/S koncernens aktiviteter. Den fulde årsrapport 2020 er tilgængelig den 10. februar 2021 på følgende link og vedlægges endvidere nærværende selskabsmeddelelse.


Selskabets årsrapport 2020 er godkendt af bestyrelsen dags dato.

Udvikling i økonomiske forhold for årsrapporten 2020

Resultat for koncernen før skat for 2020 blev -6.134 t.kr. mod -8.775 t.kr. i 2019. Koncernens balance pr. 31. december 2020 udviser en balancesum på t.kr. 1.542 og en egenkapital på 4.94 t.kr. Selskabskapitalen omfatter pr. 31. december 2020 i alt 10.061.034 stk. aktier på hver nominelt kr. 0,10.

Koncernen havde meldt ud, at der ville ske en væsentlig forbedring af resultatet i forhold til 2019 jvf. selskabsmeddelelse 44 i forbindelse med offentliggørelse af delårsrapporten for 2020. I 2020 har Koncernen realiseret et underskud på t.kr. 6.134 mod 8.775 i 2019.

2020 2019 2018   2017 2016
Hovedtal, t.kr.
Netto rente- og gebyrindtægter -24 141 -18 0 0
Andre driftsindtægter 531 529 1.016 865 1.642
Udgifter til personale og administration -6.298 -9.113 -7.208 -3.092 -2.856
Af- og nedskrivninger -343 -300 -317 -300 -150
Resultat før skat -6.134 -8.775 -6.527   -2.527 -1.364
Skat 0 0 0 0 0
Årets resultat -6.134 -8.775 -6.527   -2.527 -1.364
Antal medarbejdere 3 4 5 3 4
Egenkapital i alt 494 6.629 10.843 84 3.310
Aktiver i alt 1.543 7.696 11.616 1.378 3.760
Kernekapitalgrundlag 344 6.179 10.093
Minimumskapitalkrav 938 938 938


2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Overskudsgrad -1.209,86 -1.309,70 -654,01 -292,14 -83,07
Likviditetsgrad 127,19 668,04 1.389,39 25,35 535,56
Soliditetsgrad 32,08 86,89 93,35 6,10 88,03
Egenkapitalforrentning før skat -172,21 -100,45 -119,47 -148,91 -77,74
Egenkapitalforrentning efter skat -172,21 -100,45 -119,47 -148,91 -77,74
Indre værdi pr. aktie ultimo 0,05 0,66 1,72 0,02 0,63
Resultat før skat pr. aktie ultimo -0,61 -0,87 -1,04 -0,48 -0,26
Resultat efter skat pr. aktie ultimo -0,61 -0,87 -1,04 -0,48 -0,26
Indre værdi pr. aktie gennemsnit 0,05 0,81 1,74 0,02 0,83
Resultat før skat pr. aktie gennemsnit -0,61 -1,07 -1,05 -0,48 -0,34
Resultat efter skat pr. aktie gennemsnit -0,61 -1,07 -1,05 -0,48 -0,34
Gennemsnitlige antal aktier i stk. 10.061 8.213 6.233 5.249 3.978
Antal aktier i stk. ultimo 10.061 10.061 6.288 5.249 5.249

Koncernens hovedaktivitet i 2020 bestod primært af den eksisterende forretning inden for finansmedia, indhold- og dataformidling samt udvikling af nyt forretningsgrundlag med forberedelse af kommerciel lancering af online brokervirksomhed inden for trading og investering med kryptovalutaer.

Usikkerhed ved indregning og måling
Der er ingen væsentlige usikkerheder ved indregning eller måling.

Usædvanlige forhold
Selskabet er under opbygning og derfor er driften endnu ikke fuldt normaliseret.

Udvikling i økonomiske forhold og aktiviteter
Koncernens resultatopgørelse for perioden 1. januar 2020 til 31. december 2020 udviser et resultat på -6.134 t.kr., og koncernens balance pr. 31. december 2020 udviser en balancesum på t.kr. 1.542 og en egenkapital på 4.94 t.kr. Selskabskapitalen omfatter pr. 31. december 2020 i alt 10.061.034 stk. aktier på hver nominelt kr. 0,10.

Koncernen havde meldt ud, at der ville ske en væsentlig forbedring af resultatet i forhold til 2019 jvf. selskabsmeddelelse 44 i forbindelse med offentliggørelse af delårsrapporten for 2020. I 2020 har Koncernen realiseret et underskud på t.kr. 6.134 mod 8.775 i 2019.

Koncernen har i 2020 fortsat arbejdet med generelle omkostningstilpasninger samt etablering af forretningsaktiviteter inden for brokervirksomhed og trading, hvor fokus rettedes mod forberedelse og lancering af nyt forretningsområde, aktiviteter og investering i udvikling af nye tradingmuligheder inden for online discount broker virksomhed til trading og investering med kryptovaluta.

Selskabet blev i 2020 godkendt til registrering hos det danske finanstilsyn til at udbyde virtuelle valutaer i henhold til hvidvasklovens §48, stk. 1.

Baggrunden for at koncernen besluttede at prioritere indsatsen mod at søge forretningsmuligheder inden for kryptovaluta også kaldet digitale aktiver som f.eks. Bitcoin og Ethereum var bl.a. at handlen med kryptovalutaer og antallet af investorer, som handler kryptovalutaer, globalt er steget kraftigt de senere år med klare tendenser og tiltagende forventning om yderligere stigninger fremadrettet.

Selskabet vurderer ud fra research, at markedet for handel med kryptovalutaer generelt præges af store handelsomkostninger og relativt komplicerede produkter, hvilket vurderes at åbne for nye forretningsmuligheder for discountbrokere i en global niche og segment af aktive og øvede cryptotradere og investorer. Prissammenligninger mellem CPH Crypto og en række toneangivende crypto-exchanges viser at CPH Crypto’s handelsomkostninger er mindre og i nogle tilfælde betydeligt mindre. Det høje prisniveau og vilkår ved handel med kryptovalutaer i markedet generelt gør det imidlertid sværere for tradere at opnå et positivt afkast eller praktisere den investeringsstrategi og handelsmønster, som ønskes eller er optimalt, uden at skulle bekymre sig om handelsomkostningerne.

Selskabet har i 2020 lanceret to prismodeller, hvor det ene produkt består af et fixed fee som giver adgang til ubegrænset handel med platformens cryptovalutaer og det andet produkt består af en lige så simpel model for self trading med en handelsomkostning på 0,04% af den volumen som der handles.

Forretningsmodellen baseres, udover en konkurrencedygtig prispolitik ved handel med kryptovalutaer i spotmarkedet (dvs. at det er ”rigtige” kryptovalutaer som handles og ikke derivater), på at kombinere nogle, efter koncernens vurdering vigtige parametre, i form af en forsikring af kunders deponering af kryptovaluta og at der stilles lignende tradingfaciliteter til rådighed for kunder som de kender fra regulerede instrumenter, men som ønsker bedre tradingvilkår end der typisk findes hos traditionelle krypto-exchanges samt at selskabets skandinaviske udgangspunkt er solidt og kendetegnet ved gennemsigtighed, sikkerhed og verdens laveste korruptionsrate.

Selskabet har i 2020, i forbindelse med planlægningen og forberedelserne til at åbne for live handel med kryptovaluta, etableret nye samarbejder med leverandører og partnere med speciale inden for bl.a. krypto-industrien, betalings- og serviceproviders, system- og hosting-partnere, tradingplatforme til at planlægge og foretage handler, samt liquidity provider til at stille priser og udføre handler i markedet.

Koncernens 100 pct. ejede datterselskab CPH Crypto A/S udbyder de nye kryptovalutaforretningsaktiviteter. Forberedelser, partnerskaber, udrulning af produkter og kommercialisering af den nye forretning har været udslagsgivende for koncernens prioritering af aktiviteter og fremgangsmetoder i 2020. CPH Crypto oprettede live-kunder i 3. kvartal 2020 med en præliminær version af tradingplatformen og opgraderede i løbet af 4. kvartal en forbedret version, så der kunne åbnes for et bredere marked. En betydelig del af kryptovaluta- forretningsområdets IT- og systemudvikling foregår internt i Koncernen herunder infrastruktur og integration af alle systemer og værktøjer, kontosystem, kundeoprettelser og transaktionsprocesser, hvilket fungerer tilfredsstillende, og der pågår løbende optimering og nyudvikling. Andre dele af kapacitetsgrundlaget er foregået med leverancer fra 3. parts-leverandører. En central ekstern leverance for brokervirksomheden er selve kryptovalutatradingplatformen, der leveres som en whitelabel-løsning inkl. prisfeed og gennemførsel af ordrer i markedet. Undervejs i forløbet med implementering af tradingplatformen fra start til teststadie, fejlfinding og rettelser til at åbne for livehandel, har der været uforudsete forsinkelser i forhold til det aftalte med leverandøren, herunder et længere forløb end forventet med udrulning af beta-version. Selskabet anså det for formålstjenstligt at afvente kommercielle tiltag og i stedet oprette nogle færre kunder og brugere for i stedet kontinuerligt at teste tradingplatformen, hvorved der opstod nye og nødvendige rettelser og opgraderinger, foruden at det vurderes nødvendigt, at der foretages forbedringer af tradingplatformens userinterface og vedligeholdelsesprocesser. Forsinkelser fra leverandøren til at levere den nødvendige kvalitet og niveau af web-traderen samt efterfølgende udrulning af live mobiltradingplatformen til Iphones iOS app og Googles Andriod app ved årsskiftet 2020/2021, har foreløbigt afstedkommet en kortere kommerciel periode end forventet til at markedsføre og cementere cryptovalutaforretningen. Derved har der været begrænset tid at etablere en position for CPH Crypto som en ny udbyder, skabe opmærksomhed og interesse fra markedet og deraf tiltrække flere nye kunder. Selskabet vurderer, at der fortsat foreligger et stort markeds- og indtjeningspotentiale for en discount cryptovaluta broker under hensyntagen til de særlige kendetegn og unikke fordele som CPH Crypto udbyder, men det forudsætter samtidig, at der tilføres investering i fortsat udvikling af målrettede og effektive marketingaktiviteter, kvalificering af leverandører og markedstilpasset produktudvikling.

Selskabet lancerede i 4. kvartal 2020 PR- og promotionaktiviteter, som senere blev fulgt op af en række mindre digitale testkampagner på udvalgte crypto ad-network og marketingaktiviteter med henblik på at få potentielle kunder til at oprette sig, deponere midler og starte med at handle. Dette omfatter samtidig de første målrettede marketingtiltag på forskellige social media-kanaler og tests på andre sprog og markeder. Selskabet har konstateret, at med disse tiltag kan der skabes interesse og nye kundeoprettelser, men har endnu ikke haft den fornødne tid til at udvikle metoder, hvor kunderne konverteres fra passive til aktive kunder, som også kan sikre en øget omsætning og indtjening.

I samme periode besluttede selskabet at lancere en ny version af websitet www.cphcrypto.com med nyt look and feel, uddybende information og især nye og brugervenlige ”How to”-guides, foruden optimering af kunderegistrering, kundekonto og automatisering af kundekommunikation. Websitet er pt. produceret på engelsk for at være tilgængeligt for en international målgruppe, og det planlægges snarest muligt at blive tilgængelig også i andre sprogversioner med henblik på at tiltrække kunder fra Skandinavien og udvalgte markeder. Selskabet har også afholdt møder med potentielle samarbejdspartnere fra større markeder med henblik på at etablere kommercielle aftaler, som har større styrke og gennemslagskraft ved lancering på lokale markeder.

Som følge af den begrænsede mulighed for tidligere i forløbet af lancere kommercielle tiltag for cryptovalutaforretningen og som konsekvens deraf kortere tid til at tiltrække nye kunder og iværksætte marketingaktiviteter, er de foreløbige effekter og værdi af de nye produkter og tradingplatforme ikke testet tilstrækkeligt og de foreløbige kommercielle tiltag endnu ikke slået igennem. Selskabets løbende operation og udvikling forudsætter bl.a. tilførsel af kapital til drift og vækst, etablering af strategiske partnerskaber og distributionsmuligheder eller en kombination heraf.

Selskabets kapital er reduceret med mere end 50 pct. med udgangen af 2020. Selskabets finansielle situation oplyses kontinuerligt i offentliggørelser og rapporteringer herunder delårsrapporten for 2020 jf. selskabsmeddelelse 44. Det har afstedkommet at ledelsen i koncernen i 2020 har intensiveret indsatsen og prioriteringen i at finde en løsning som oplyst i selskabsmeddelelse 37, herunder afsøgt forskellige finansielle og strategiske muligheder, herunder indgået i dialog med potentielle parter, om helt eller delvise frasalg af aktiver og selskaber. Såfremt at koncernen ikke på kort sigt finder en løsning som sikrer den nødvendige arbejdskapital f.eks. ved ekstern kapitaltilførsel eller frasalg af aktiver til sikring af den fortsatte drift og udvikling som ”ongoing concern”, er der risiko for at koncernen lukker helt eller delvist. Ledelsen forhandler med ekstern part om konkret aftale, som forventeligt vil sikre den finansielle situation såvel som at der også åbnes for nye strategiske forretningsmuligheder.

Koncernens eksisterende strategi omfatter ikke mere anvendelse eller behov for regulering eller egne fondsmæglerlicenser. Dette har derfor betydning for, at koncernen fortsat kan opnå yderligere omkostningsreduktioner på fondsmæglerområdet. Selskabet har bl.a. jf. selskabsmeddelelse i 2020 oplyst, at der ikke udføres fondsmægleraktiviteter i datterselskabet NPinvestor Fondsmæglerselskab A/S og selskabet forventes afviklet i løbet af 2021, hvilket også vil reducere omkostninger for koncernens moderselskab i forbindelse med bl.a. rapporteringer til myndigheder og ikke nødvendige afgifter.

Begivenheder efter statusdagen
Der er fra balancedagen og frem til i dag ikke indtrådt forhold, som forrykker vurderingen af årsrapporten.

Forventet udvikling og andre udsagn om fremtiden
Med lanceringen af den nye kryptobroker CPH Crypto forventer selskabet at skabe et stærkere kommercielt grundlag og et internationalt vækstpotentiale med bedre betingelser for at udvikle forretningen og øge indtjeningen.

Forudsætningerne for, at Koncernen når sine langsigtede mål om at skabe vækst og udvikling, at bl.a. de kommercielle parametre styrkes – herunder med nye og forbedrede produkter, flere investeringsmuligheder og tradingfaciliteter tilpasset markedets betingelser og trends, kombineret med at Koncernens operationelle processer fortsat optimeres og ressourcer prioriteres effektivt, hvorved at forretningsgrundlaget forventes mere konkurrencedygtigt. Grundlaget for den fortsatte drift, udvikling og lancering af kommercielle aktiviteter forudsætter ligeså at det finansielle grundlag for koncernen styrkes.

Filialer i udlandet
Koncernen har ikke filialer i udlandet.

Vidensressourcer og lønpolitik
Koncernens succes er bl.a. baseret på medarbejdernes vidensressourcer inden for investering og tradingprodukter, finans, digitalisering, partnerskaber, kommerciel udvikling og marketing.

Koncernens virksomhed stiller høje krav til medarbejdernes viden, kompetencer og erfaring. Koncernens målsætning i forbindelse med ansættelser er derfor at tiltrække og fastholde dygtige medarbejdere med ekspertise inden for relevante fagområder, herunder den finansielle sektor og andre relevante sektorer. Dette afspejler sig i koncernens lønpolitik, der kan rekvireres ved henvendelse til koncernen.

Dette gør, at koncernen og selskabet altid vil have et højt niveau af vidensressourcer på området. Endvidere orienterer medarbejdere og ledelse sig fagligt via de nødvendige kanaler og hos samarbejdspartnere m.v. for til stadighed at opretholde et højt vidensniveau. Der arbejdes løbende med at vedligeholde og opkvalificere medarbejdernes vidensressourcer.

Bestyrelsen og direktionens direkte og indirekte aktiebesiddelser i Selskabet pr. 31. december 2020:

Jan F. Andersen, Adm. direktør, 1.067.500 aktier.

Offentliggørelse af årsrapport 2020: 10. februar 2021
Offentliggørelse af delårsrapport 2021: 4. august 2021

Selskabets vedtægter kan findes på selskabets hjemmeside https://npinvestor.com/vedtaegter


Om NPinvestor.com A/S

NPinvestor.com A/S (NPinvestor gruppen) er en dansk fintech virksomhed indenfor trading- og investeringsmarkedet. Vi tilbyder nye og bedre muligheder for, at private og professionelle investorer kan handle, investere og pleje deres formue.

NPinvestor.com A/S er noteret på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark. Ticker kode: NPINV

Yderligere oplysninger
NPinvestor.com A/S: Adm. direktør Jan F. Andersen, tlf.: 8830 0008, e-mail: [email protected]

Certified Advisor: Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB, tlf. + 46 40 200 250, e-mail: [email protected]

NPinvestor.com A/S
CVR nr.: 26518199
Symbol: NPINV
Njalsgade 76, 4.
2300 København S
Tel: +45 8830 0000

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